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Our Special Offers

Find the perfect special offer so you can enjoy in the best treatment at the best price!

Special price: $200

Two Spa treatments of
your choice and massage

If you take this offer you will get two Spa treatments and a massage of your choice (max 30min)! You can choose which massage you want: back, neck and shoulder massage or facial massage or manicure and nail polish.

Special price: $140

Spa treatment
& two massages

If you take this offer you will get Spa treatment and two massages of your choice (each max 30min) for the price of just one Spa treatment and one massage! You can choose which massages you want: back, neck and shoulder massage or facial massage.

Special price: $120

Spa treatment &
massage of your choice

If you take this offer you will get Spa treatment and a massage of your choice (max 30min) for the price of just one Spa treatment! You can choose which massage you want: back, neck and shoulder massage or facial massage or manicure and nail polish.

Two Spa treatments and two massages of your choice

If you take this offer you will get two Spa treatments and two massages of your choice (max 30min)! You can choose which massage you want: back, neck and shoulder massage or facial massage or manicure and nail polish.

Special price: $205

Special price: $205

Three Spa treatments and two massages of your choice

If you take this offer you will get three Spa treatments and two massages of your choice (max 30min)! You can choose which massage you want: back, neck and shoulder massage or facial massage or manicure and nail polish.

Special price: $235

Special price: $235

Special price: $59

Full body massage
(90 min)

If you take this offer you will get Full body massage in the duration of 90 minutes at a great price!

Special price: $29

Two Facial

If you take this offer you will get two facial treatments at a great price!

Special price: $79

Full body massage
& a facial treatment

If you take this offer you will get Full body massage and a facial treatment!

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From our spa

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En quelques mots...

Découvrez l’art de la beauté chez nous. Nos soins experts transforment et subliment, offrant une expérience relaxante. Révélez votre éclat naturel dans notre havre de détente.

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Rejoignez-nous pour des astuces beauté exclusives, des offres spéciales et des inspirations tendance. Suivez-nous pour rester connecté avec la beauté.

© 2023 2024 – – Tous droits réservés. Création par Jérémy CARRE.

© 2023 – 2024 – Tous droits réservés. Création par Jérémy CARRE.